If the product price is different from the actual amount charged, please check the following:
- Taxes and Fees: Additional taxes or fees may be applied depending on your country or region.
- Exchange Rate Differences: The amount may vary due to fluctuations in exchange rates at the time of payment.
- Promotions and Discounts: Certain promotions or discounts may not have been applied.
- For iOS users: Apple may delay payment processing or split the payment into multiple charges. It is recommended to check the total amount charged.
If the issue persists, please contact customer support with the following details:
💌 [Contact us Inquiry Form]
- Device model and OS information
- User ID (can be found at the top of the Settings page in My Page)
- Purchase receipt (include a screenshot)
- Displayed price at the time of purchase and the actual amount charged
Send the above information to [email protected], and we will resolve the issue promptly.
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button at the top or send an email to [email protected].