If your payment keeps failing, please follow these steps:

  1. Verify Payment Information: Ensure that your payment method (card, account, etc.) information is entered correctly. Check if the payment method is still valid and not expired.
  2. Check Network Status: Ensure you have a stable internet connection. Try reconnecting to Wi-Fi or mobile data.
  3. Update the App: Make sure the Playsona app is up to date. Update to the latest version if necessary.
  4. Restart the Device: Restart your device and try the payment again.
  5. Use a Different Payment Method: Try using a different payment method (another card, account, etc.).


  1. Change Phone Settings: Go to Settings → Applications → 'Google Play Store' → Storage → Clear data/cache and try again.
  2. Update Registered Card Information: Remove the card from your payment profile (payments.google.com) and add a different card, then try again.


  1. Check the list of payment methods (support.apple.com/en-us/HT201266) and update your card information or try again.

If the issue persists after trying these steps, please contact customer support with the following details:

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  1. Device model and OS information